With the full of support from Prof. Dr. Waleed Hmedat, Dean of the College. the Student Affairs Department and the Student Advisory Council began setting the final vision for the activities of the glorious 51st National Day, by hanging decorations as a first stage in the Student Affairs building and setting a daily schedule over the coming days to do this occasion.
SAD was also shown a video to the college council about the Omani women's contribution to the blessed and renewed march of renaissance. The video was filmed in the Wilayat of Fanja and the city of Muttrah, which tells of time periods starting from the sixties of the last century up to Hurricane Shaheen, emphasizing the Omani identity and its ancient heritage. This video was completed with 100% student competencies from various disciplines , under the full supervision of the Student Affairs Department, as it provided them with all possibilities for the purpose of completing this distinguished work, which will remain in the college archive for national events. The Dean directed to run this film on the college screens for a week.

Activities of Oman’s 51st National Day