OCMT Organized a workshop about Great Giving Competition

April 28, 2024 by
Oman College of Management and Technology, OCMT TSD

A workshop on the Grand Giving Competition was organized by OCMT - Students Affairs Department, which is organized by Dar Al-Ata Association, on Monday, April 22, 2024. The workshop was presented by Mr. Ibrahim Al-Kindi, a member of Dar Al-Ata Association, where he discussed the goals of the association and the programs it supervises, such as the family care program, school students' care, and disaster relief. He also talked about the idea of the Grand Giving Competition, which is held annually, where the idea of the competition is to form teams of university and college students, each consisting of eight members, to compete in innovating and implementing a project to collect donations for the programs affiliated with the association. The competition aims to raise awareness of the importance of volunteer work, encourage youth participation, and develop students' skills in teamwork, project planning, and implementation. At the end of the workshop, attendees were briefed on the evaluation criteria of the competition, which include the best idea, highest revenue, professionalism in execution, and the idea's impact on society.

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