OCMT Organized a Workshop Titled: The Leadership Succession Workshop and Its Role in Maintaining Job Stability

April 28, 2024 by
Oman College of Management and Technology, OCMT TSD

The workshop on "Leadership Succession and its Role in Maintaining Job Stability" was organized by the Student Affairs Department, represented by the Alumni Follow-up Office, for the administrative staff at the college on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. It was presented by Mr. Masri Al-Amri, a college graduate who currently serves as the Director of the Loan Processing Department at the Oman Development Bank. This workshop is considered one of the important events aimed at developing managerial and leadership competencies in institutions. It addressed several key topics, including the concept of leadership and second-tier leadership, as well as the importance of preparing second-tier leaders and their impact on job stability. The workshop aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills to improve administrative performance and enhance job stability within the organization.  Furthermore, the workshop emphasized the importance of communication between graduates and the college to integrate academic expertise with the practical experience gained by college graduates. In conclusion, attendees praised the valuable information provided by the workshop, which added value to their knowledge.

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