OCMT Organized the Event of Charity & Entrepreneurship Day

April 29, 2024 by
Oman College of Management and Technology, OCMT TSD

Start writ The Students Affairs Department, in collaboration with the Activities and Initiatives Committee of the Student Advisory Council and the Entrepreneurship Club, organized the "Charity Day and Entrepreneurship" event on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, on the college campus. The event included participation from various clubs and student companies within the college, as well as some external participants, with the aim of showcasing their projects and innovations in segments that enhance the spirit of innovation and social responsibility. The event also featured an initiative for selling used books. It provided students with an entertaining atmosphere and offered them the opportunity to engage in their hobbies, develop their skills, and learn about the innovations of student companies. Finally, Ms. Nafila Al Falahi, the Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, honored the students who demonstrated excellence in the Peer Tutoring Program.ing here...

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