OCMT Organizes the Alumni Open Day

April 28, 2024 by
Oman College of Management and Technology, OCMT TSD

The Student Affairs Department, represented by the Alumni Follow-up Office and the Alumni Club, organized an open day event to meet graduates on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, on the college campus. The event was attended by the Dean of the College, members of the administrative and academic staff, and graduates from various batches. The ceremony began with a speech from the Dean, who welcomed the attendees and praised the recent developments witnessed by the college. He expressed his gratitude to the administrative members of the Alumni Club for their efforts in organizing meetings and maintaining continuous communication with the graduates to enhance the club's level. He further explained in his speech that the purpose of these meetings is to strengthen communication between the college and its graduates, identify their needs, and benefit from their experiences to develop the educational system at the college. In conclusion, he thanked the attendees and urged them to stay in touch with the college and engage in the activities and events organized by it.

Following that, Mr. Majed Al-Yahyai, the head of the administrative body, delivered his speech on this occasion, expressing his gratitude to the college administration for its continuous support to the Alumni Club, and thanking the attendees for their response to the invitation. This was followed by entertainment segments and cultural competitions, which enhanced the atmosphere of integration and connection among the attendees. The event concluded with a group photo reflecting the spirit of solidarity and communication among members of the academic community, followed by a lunch.

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