OCMT's Participation in the Art Therapy Event "Color It"

May 5, 2024 by
Oman College of Management and Technology, OCMT TSD


Oman College of Management and Technology participated in the event of therapy by art, titled: "Color It," represented by the Happiness Makers team from the College's Social and Psychological Counseling Office. The event was organized by the Counseling and Psychological Guidance Office at Al Bayan College on Monday, April 22, 2024. The aim of the event was to motivate students and raise awareness about the importance of attending to their mental health and relieving negative feelings through art therapy techniques, which have a positive impact on reducing stress and anxiety that students may face during exam periods. The event included several booths from various institutions interested in mental health, and at the end of the event, the participating institutions were honored for their efforts and support in enhancing students' mental health.


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