Signing a cooperation agreement between OCMT and the Arabia Falcon Insurance Company AFIC

December 10, 2022 by
Oman College of Management and Technology, OCMT TSD

Oman College of Management and Technology signed an MoU with the Arabia Falcon Insurance Company, as this MoU contributes to expanding the horizons of cooperation and enhancing opportunities for employees of the two institutions. Where this agreement enables both sides to benefit from the advantages and resources that each of them enjoys. Under the agreement, the college will be committed to organizing vocational and professional courses to train the insurance company's staff and enhance their skills in a scientific and systematic manner. The college will also provide financial facilities for the insurance company's clients who wish to study at the college. For its part, the Arabia Falcon Insurance Company will strengthen the college's marketing efforts, and will provide training opportunities for graduate students in order to contribute to providing them with some of the necessary skills to meet the needs and expectations of the industry.

In this context, Mr. Ronald Zaatar, CEO of the Arabia Falcon Insurance Company, expressed his great pleasure with the additional privileges provided by this agreement to the company's clients wishing to pursue their studies at the college. He also referred to the role that this agreement will play in raising the efficiency of the company's employees.

For his part, Prof. Dr. Waled Hmedat, Dean of the College, emphasized the importance of this type of cooperation agreement that strengthens the partnership between academic institutions on the one hand and the labor market on the other. He also pointed out the importance of this agreement in strengthening the college's plans and directions to offer academic programs directly related to insurance fields of various types and objectives.

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