
Call for Research Associate Position (Full-time)


A research project titled “Developing a solution for the automated grading of essay type answers in Arabic and English using Artificial Intelligence”, funded by MoHERI (Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation), Oman.

 Research Associate (1 Position)

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related fields

 Job Description: 
We are seeking a highly motivated and dedicated Research Associate to contribute to the development of a solution for the automated grading of essay-type answers in both Arabic and English using Artificial Intelligence. The successful candidate will play a key role in building and implementing AI-driven grading systems that aim to replicate human evaluation.

 Project Summary
TThe project aims to develop an automated system capable of evaluating and assigning grades to essay-type responses in a manner comparable to human grading. The system will leverage language conversion technologies and text processing methods, such as extraction, segmentation, stop-word removal, and stemming, which will play a crucial role in the evaluation process. Additionally, techniques like handwriting detection and Natural Language Processing (NLP) will be utilized to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the system. Ultimately, the goal is for the automated grading system to perform as effectively as human evaluators.

• Research AI-driven grading technologies.
• Develop an NLP-based automated grading platform.
• Implement machine learning models (SVM, LSTM, BERT) for essay evaluation.
• Work on handwriting detection using OCR and CNNs.
• Deliver research papers, prototypes, and project reports.

Skills Required:

  • Proficiency in English & Arabic NLP.
• Strong ML, NLP, and text mining expertise.
  • Experience with TensorFlow, PyTorch, spaCy, NLTK.
• Programming skills (Python, R, Java) & relevant libraries.
• Ability to work independently on AI research.


Duration and Type of Contract
The duration of this project is 1 year, and the research associate position is a part time on a contract basis.


Interested applicants are requested to fill in this form https://forms.office.com/r/nuPENXKDDK  on or before 25th  February 2025